《海棠花作文500字》 中文: 一阵微风吹来幽香,到底是什么呢?我顺着香味而来。啊,原来是那绚丽多彩的海棠花呀!远看,海棠花的枝干盘曲而上,就像是春天的使者展开双臂拥抱大地。绿叶衬托着红花,多好看呀!仔细一瞧,这绿叶呈椭圆形边缘泛有微红,带有小刺。那红花有四、五瓣,花蕊有二十多根,真是吐蕊而放呀。有的花瓣呈玫瑰红,有的是粉红,如同一个个美丽动人的少女。一阵风吹来,满熟的海棠花飘然而下,好像下了一场花雨,伴随他们飘来了一股浓郁的幽香。 英语: The gentle breeze blows a fit coming to delicate fragrance , what to be after all? I along scent but come. Oh, be that Chinese flowering crab-apple bright and colourful in the first place! Keep away from, branches and trunk of the Chinese flowering crab-apple is tortuous but upper, seem as if emissary in spring unfolds pair of arms embracing the earth right away. The greenery is setting off Carthamus tinctorious , how nice watch! One watches , this greenery assumes ellipse border carefully general have tiny red , as well as having a spinule. That Carthamus tinctorious has four, five pieces , pistil has more than 20 is really to spit out a pistil but readjust oneself to a certain extent. Some petals assume a rose color , have plenty of pink, like every young girl beautiful and charming. Full ripe Chinese flowering crab-apple floats but to come a blast of wind being blown, down, seem to one flower rain have fallen , accompany them one strands of rich delicate fragrance having wafted. 网站名称:九猫作文网 文章来源:https://www.9mcr.com/xiangxiang/102682.html